Thursday 6 February 2020

Homemade Baked Beans

Wednesday night is now the second of our two vegan nights, but it is also a busy baking night for me.  

Baked beans on toast is just about the level of cooking my teens & preteen can cope with, but with no tins of baked beans in the cupboard I had to make some. I essentially took my home of tomato soup recipe (minus the cream cheese), and added some beans.

Sadly, having been brought up with tinned baked beans to now, the kids declared them to be okay but not as good as shop bought.

125g dried white beans or 1 tin cooked beans
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 small onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1 large garlic clove, peeled and halved
1 carrot, peeled and roughly chopped
1 stick of celery, roughly chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sugar
1/2tsp smoked paprika
Salt & pepper

Soak and cook the dried beans according to the instructions on the packet. Reserve the cooking water.

Fry the onion gently in the oil in a small saucepan for 5 minutes.  Add the rest of the ingredients, apart from the beans,  and the liquid from the tinned beans or half can of cooking liquid.  Cover and simmer.

After 20 minutes liquidise the tomato mixture.  I used a stick blender which gives a less smooth texture than a liquidiser.  Mix the beans and and the sauce in the saucepan and heat up. If the beans are too running simmer for 10 minutes or so with the lid off to reduce the sauce a little. If not runny enough add a little more bean cooking water.

Season to taste. Serve on baked potatoes, or toast.

Twitter: leesashomemade
Instagram: leesashomemade
Facebook: Leesa's Homemade

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