Wednesday 1 April 2020

Cauliflower & Macaroni Cheese Soup

I make cauliflower cheese soup quite regularly with cauliflower leaves, particularly now during the coronavirus lockdown, trying to make something from nothing.

But today I am trying to make a high calorie soup to build up my elderly mother who has been discharged early from hospital to shield her from Covid_19. So Cauliflower & Macaroni Cheese Soup was born.

Cauliflower leaves from one head of cauliflower
200g white potato
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
250ml whole milk
500ml recently boiled water
2 vegetable stock cube
1/2 tsp sunflower oil
100g macaroni
100g cheddar cheese

Roughly chop the peeled onion and gently fry in the sunflower oil in a saucepan.

Roughly chop the potato and cauliflower leaves and add these in turn when chopped.  Stir from time time, and once the potato threatens to stick add the milk, water, stock cube, and peeled garlic clove.

Cover and bring to the boil, then turn down to a simmer for 20 minutes.

Cook the macaroni according to the instructions on the packet.  Turn off the heat and drain, rinsing in cold water.

When the soup is cooked, liquidise the soup in batches. Pass through a sieve to remove any tough fibres.

Stir in the cooked pasta and cheddar, and serve.

Twitter: leesashomemade
Instagram: leesashomemade
Facebook: Leesa's Homemade

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