Sunday 19 April 2020

Homemade Chocolate Crunchie Bars

Moaning at my children that there is nothing useful on TikTok, my daughter told me there was a Crunchie Bar recipe on it she would like to try.  Unhelpfully, the video had no ingredients/quantities.  But a short lesson in googling later we found a straightforward recipe.

Getting the molten sugar is the tricky part.  The recipe I followed called for a jam thermometer, which luckily I had. But I don't know if it wasn't working properly (it is a mercury thermometer and  at least 50 years old), and I thought the resulting honeycomb caramel tasted a bit bitter/burnt. But apparently, what do I know.

Makes approximately 12 small bars

175g granulated sugar
125g golden syrup
1½ level tsp bicarbonate of soda (NOT baking powder)
150g good quality milk chocolate (the cheap stuff doesn't melt properly)

Line a small baking tray with greaseproof paper.

Dissolve the sugar and golden syrup in a pan with 2 tbsp of water over a low heat.  Heat until the sugar has reached the crack stage (156°C or 300°F on a sugar thermometer). If you don’t have a thermometer, drop a little into a cup of cold water; it should become hard at once.

When hot enough, quickly stir in the  bicarbonate of soda. It will instantly foam up immediately but make sure all the soda crystals have dissolved. Pour onto a greased baking tray and tip to distribute evenly rather than spread it with a utensil as this deflates the foaming sugar.

Before it gets too hard, score the honeycomb with an oiled knife to make it easier to break into bars when hard.

Whilst the honeycomb is hardening, break the chocolate into squares and melt in the microwave in 10 second bursts. Once most is melted stir well with a spatula as the small lumps will continue to melt with the heat of the chocolate. When smooth and silky, pour over the honeycomb and use a spatula to help cover everything. Chill in the fridge to help harden then break into bars.

Twitter: leesashomemade
Instagram: leesashomemade
Facebook: Leesa's Homemade

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