Wednesday 5 August 2020

Caffé Shakerato

I first had a Caffé Shakerato in Tuscany last May. 

My parents were big fans of iced coffee, but this was nothing like it. Iced Coffee is watery in my opinion, whereas a Caffé Shakerato is velvety, rich, and smooth.

I tried making it at home and it tasted bitter and watery. But now in the South of France, with 37C temperatures I was tempted to try again. 

I may not have perfected it, but this was a pretty good coffee even if I say so myself. 

Serves 2

2 espresso cups of freshly made strong coffee
3 tsp sugar
5 ice cubes 

Put all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake like mad until the shaker feels cold. Strain (to avoid any ice) I to a glass and serve. 

Funnily enough our holiday let doesn’t have a cocktail shaker. I froze about an espresso cup of water in a small plastic bottle with a wide neck, and poured my fresh coffee and sugar into this to use as a shaker. 

Twitter: leesashomemade
Instagram: leesashomemade
Facebook: Leesa's Homemade

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