Tuesday 28 July 2020

Pasta & Chickpeas (Pasta e Ceci)

Pasta e Ceci had popped up a few times on social media over the last few months. So when I decided to continue our Vegan Mondays on holiday in the South of France it seemed the ideal solution, as sadly my kids do not like the armfuls of courgettes, aubergines, & Red peppers we brought back from the market this morning. 

Much to my surprise, when I finally got round to reading recipes, I realised this is typically more of a warming soup like Minestrone. But tonight, in the 30C heat, I have made the chickpeas into more of a pasta sauce. 

Serves 6

1 medium onion, peeled & finely chopped
1 large garlic clove, peeled & finely chopped 
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large beef tomato
1 can chickpeas

First cut a cross in the top of the beef tomato where the stalk was and plunge into boiling water for 30 seconds, then run under a cold tap until cool enough to handle. Set to one side 

Finely chop the onion and garlic. Gently cook the onio  in the olive oil over a low heat until it starts to look translucent, stirring from time to time. 

Add the garlic when the nook looks soft. Whilst it is cooking, peel the tomato using the slits you cut in it and  dice it best you can, then add to the onion & garlic. 

Tip in the chickpeas juice and all, cover and bring to the boil. Turn down to a simmer and keep covered whilst you cook the pasta. 

Just before the pasta cooking time is up, crush the chickpeas using the end of a flat bottle (beer in my case, as wine bottles have too big an indentation).

Drain the pasta when it is down.  Return to the pan and toss in a little olive oil before mixing in the chickpea sauce. 

Serve with a sprinkling of chilli flakes if liked.  

Twitter: leesashomemade
Instagram: leesashomemade
Facebook: Leesa's Homemade

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